PYRAMID Therapeutic Preschool is located in the Logan Square/Avondale neighborhood. Based on the child development pyramid, the program addresses the often neglected tier of sensory motor stability, which support upper tiers of fine motor, cognition, and social-emotional development. To keep students motivated and engaged, developmental and academic challenges are designed according to each child’s abilities.
Multidisciplinary teaching strategies (e.g., DIR/Floor Time or ABA/Applied Behavior Analysis) and modalities such as Therapeutic Listening and Interactive Metronome are available to our enrolled students. Our program strives to help students develop the academic, social, and developmental skills necessary to be successful learners in typical elementary classroom settings.
Pyramid Early Learning Center offers a unique approach that blends various therapeutic approaches (e.g., ABA, DIR/Floortime, PLAY Therapy, MultiSensory Approach) depending on individual child’s personality, strengths, and needs. The focus is on stability—motor, speech, social, sensory, and regulatory—to help children transition to and succeed in a classroom setting.
We focus on the concept of learning through play while concentrating on the individual interests of the child and extending their natural play to incorporate learning in a manner which is enjoyable for them. This provides our little learners with a wider spectrum of education which will prepare them for entering the traditional school environment.

We individualize each child’s curriculum to allow for both academic and therapeutic services.
Our mission is to provide this support and assist in transitioning these children into either a blended or a general population class as soon as they’ve gained the confidence and skills to succeed in that environment.
Our socialization program emphasizes acceptance, strength, and self-confidence through the formation of strong, reliable relationships and successful social interactions.
Our multidisciplinary therapy program supports motor planning, sensory processing, self-regulation, attention/focus, speech, behavior, fine motor skills, and core stability.

We individualize each child’s curriculum to allow for both academic and therapeutic services. We start with a comprehensive evaluation to determine strengths and needs, provide an accurate baseline of developmental skills in all developmental domains (cognitive, speech/language, gross & fine motor, adaptive, social-emotional), and review complete medical history including auditory and vision status.
Specific services will be provided to support each student, based on individual challenges, while utilizing their strengths to foster the foundational skills needed to reach school readiness goals outlined by The State of Illinois. Each student’s progress is charted monthly with periodic parent/team meetings and a six-month re-evaluation.
Our “whole child” approach is designed to provide a positive and integrative experience for children who need support in a classroom setting.
Students learn best when invested in the learning process—when it’s fun and playful. Once they’ve had a positive experience, they can participate more fully in a classroom setting and thrive.
Our curriculum recognizes the foundational role of movement in development. We believe children need movement to learn—it is vital to a child’s cognitive growth. Our individualized and global approach works with each child’s strengths and challenges to utilize a variety of therapies and approaches best suited to the child’s needs. We focus early and intensively on strengthening the neuromuscular and sensory systems so that children can process information more accurately and interact more successfully.
Why Choose Pyramid?
Read about our unique approach to teaching your child in an individualized manner.
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Meet the group of talented individuals who are specialized in any of your child’s potential needs.